So Jimmy John's is a pretty big chain, and when they first popped up in Meridian I heard conflicting reports within a week. A woman I know said it was terrible, while a male friend said it was really good and I needed to try it. For whatever reason, I didn't get around to it until they opened up another location in the old Gandolfo's spot in the Shopko plaza at Fairview and Milwaukee in Boise.
Even though the first thing I generally get at any sandwich shop is their version of a BLT (or as close as I can get to it since I consider it the epitome of the sandwich arts), the Beach Club on their menu grabbed my attention. I decided to throw in the extra for the combo meal and got a bag of their proprietary chips and a Dr. Pepper. Little things impress me at places like this, and both myself and my sister who accompanied me really dug the chips and drinks. I didn't try her barbecue chips and she didn't try my salt and vinegar ones, but both of us loved the crunchiness and the intensity of the flavor. Similarly, a good fountain soda is a beautiful thing, and Jimmy John's served me one of the best Dr. Peppers I've had in some time.
That brings us to the sandwich. To be honest, I still don't know how I feel about it. Right off the bat I will say that the bread was amazing, crusty and chewy on the outside and almost pillowy soft within. They also don't skimp on the veggies, and piles of lettuce and sprouts poured out of my sandwich while I ate but still left plenty behind. Unfortunately they don't skimp on the mayo either, and at least on my sandwich it added lots of fat and calories but no real flavor, and that's the crux of the problem. The sandwich simply didn't have a lot of flavor. It was strange to be eating a sandwich with such great bread and so stuffed with veggies but still be disappointed. I longed for some fresh pepper or perhaps a little spicy mustard. Sis seemed to generally enjoy her Turkey Tom, but didn't seem too blown away either. Another acquaintance went to check them out a couple of days later, and per my suggestion added Dijon and oregano to her sandwich but still came away saying it was kind of flavorless and heavy on the mayo.
I've heard a lot of differing opinions on this place, and I'd be interested in hearing more. The good points about the food were good enough that I would consider going back and experimenting to (hopefully) find the right condiment combination necessary to get a really good sandwich out of the place. Then again, there's always the BLT...
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